Raleigh Red Wolf Ramble

Chef Wolf

Brigs Restaurants is proud to have been the first sponsor in the 2001-2002 Raleigh Art Commission’s Red Wolf Ramble. The temporary art exhibit featured 100 fiberglass wolves painted by various artists. (The red wolf was selected because it is an endangered species now found only in North Carolina.) The wolves had various themes and were displayed all over the city.

Chef Wolf was designed by Brigs’ own Susan Brigham and accomplished by artists Randy Ray and Robert Wilson, who painstakingly painted every inch of the fiberglass figure. Dressed in the classic checkered chef pants and white chef’s coat, Chef Wolf balances a plate of bacon and eggs on his nose. Chef Wolf was on display at Fayetteville Street Mall in downtown Raleigh during the Raleigh Red Wolf Ramble, which ran from the fall of 2001 through the summer of 2002.

When the Red Wolf Ramble ended, wolf sponsors could keep their wolves or donate them to an auction for the Raleigh Arts Commission. We loved our Chef Wolf and decided to keep it! Chef Wolf was moved to in front of the Brigs Restaurant in Raleigh. It remained there for several months, but repeated vandalism destroyed the chef hat and numerous plates of bacon and eggs.

After weeks of restoration, Chef Wolf was returned to the Brigs Restaurant in Raleigh.  Our thanks to Randy and Robert for a fantastic job. We added a Brigs logo base, and placed Chef Wolf inside the vestibule, where customers can enjoy it for years to come.

Chef Wolf has also been on display at the North Carolina State Fair!